Automata, Games, and Verification (Portal) pin to top Notes > UdS AGV Created At : 2024-12-22 16:35 Count:363 Views : Comment: Chapter 1. IntroductionChapter 2. Büchi AutomataChapter 3. Büchi’s Characterization TheoremChapter 4. Deterministic Büchi AutomataChapter 5. Complementation of Büchi automataChapter 6. Logics over Infinite SequencesChapter 7. Alternating Büchi AutomataChapter 8. Linear ArithmeticChapter 9. LTL Model CheckingChapter 10. McNaughton’s Theorem This is a learning note of a course in CISPA, UdS. Taught by Bernd Finkbeiner Chapter 1. Introduction Sections Exercise 1.1. Model Checking 1.2. Synthesis 1.3. The Logic-Automata Connection Chapter 2. Büchi Automata Sections Exercise 2.1. Preliminaries 2.2. Automata over Infinite Words 2.3. The Büchi Acceptance Condition Chapter 3. Büchi’s Characterization Theorem Sections Exercise 3.1. Kleene’s Theorem 3.2. $\omega$-regular language 3.3 Closure Properties of the Büchi-recognizable languages (Intersection and Union) 3.4 Closure Properties of the Büchi-recognizable languages (Concatenations) 3.5 Büchi’s Characterization Theorem Chapter 4. Deterministic Büchi Automata Sections Exercise 4.1. Deterministic vs. Nondeterministic Büchi Automata 4.2. Complementation of deterministic Büchi Automata Chapter 5. Complementation of Büchi automata Sections Exercise 5.1. Infinite Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) 5.2. Ranking of DAG 5.3. Complement Büchi Automaton with Odd Ranking Chapter 6. Logics over Infinite Sequences Sections Exercise 6.1. Linear-Time Temporal Logic (LTL) 6.2. Expressing Program Properties using LTL 6.3. LTL and Counting Languages 6.4. Quantified Propositional Temporal Logic (QPTL) 6.5. Monadic Second-Order Logic of One Successor (S1S) 6.6. Express QPTL using S1S 6.7. S1S$_0$ and Büchi-recognizable LanguageBüchi-recognizable Chapter 7. Alternating Büchi Automata Sections Exercise 7.1. Alternating Büchi Automata 7.2. From LTL to Alternating Büchi Automata $\varphi=(\Diamond p)\ \mathcal{U}\ (\square q)$ 7.3. Translating Alternating to Nondeterministic automata Chapter 8. Linear Arithmetic Sections Exercise 8.1. Linear Arithmetic (Theory) 8.2 Encoding real numbers 8.3 Translation from Linear Arithmetic to Automata 8.4 Homogenous Inequality Testing is Automatic 8.5 From Linear Arithmetic to Automata Chapter 9. LTL Model Checking Sections Exercise 9.1 Automata-based LTL Model Checking with Sequential Circuits 9.2 Nested depth-first search 9.3 The Emerson-Lei algorithm Chapter 10. McNaughton’s Theorem Sections Exercise 10.1 The Muller Acceptance Condition 10.2 From Büchi automata to Muller automata 10.3 Closure Properties of Muller Automata under Boolean Operations Next chapter: Further Reading: Please cite the source for reprints, feel free to verify the sources cited in the article, and point out any errors or lack of clarity of expression. You can comment in the comments section below or email to