Previous chapter: Automata over Infinite Words
This is a learning note of a course in CISPA, UdS. Taught by Bernd Finkbeiner
2.3 The Büchi Acceptance Condition
The Büchi Acceptance Condition is given as a set of accepting states $F$.
A run of a Büchi automaton is accepting if some state from this set occurs infinitely often.
Infinite word
For an infinite word $\alpha$ over $\Sigma$, an Infinity Set of $\alpha$ is denoted as:
$$\text{Inf}(\alpha) = \lbrace\sigma\in\Sigma\mid\forall m\in\mathbb{N}.\exists n\in\mathbb{N}.n\geq m \text{ and } \alpha(n)=\sigma\rbrace$$
Meaning that $\text{Inf}(\alpha)$ is a set of all letters $\sigma$ from the alphabet $\Sigma$, so that
for all $m$, you can always find $\sigma$ as the n-th letter of $\alpha$ when there exists an $n$ where $n\geq m$.
This denotes the set of all letters of $\Sigma$ that occur infinitely often in $\alpha$.
Büchi Condition
To express the meaning of “some state from the set of accepting states is reached infinitely often“, we can rewrite our accpeing condition $Acc$ into Büchi Condition $\small\text{BÜCHI} \normalsize (F)$
Here, $\small\text{BÜCHI} \normalsize (F)$ is a set of infinite word that
$\textbf{Definition 2.4. } \text{ The } \textit{Büchi Condition } \small\text{BÜCHI} \normalsize (F)\text{ on a set of states $F\subseteq Q$ is the set}$
$$\small\text{BÜCHI} \normalsize (F) = \lbrace\alpha\in Q^\omega \mid \text{Inf}(\alpha) \cap F \neq \varnothing\rbrace$$ $\text{An automaton }\mathcal{A}=(\Sigma,Q,I,T,Acc)\text{ with }Acc=\small\text{BÜCHI} \normalsize (F)\text{ is called a }\textit{Büchi automaton.}\newline \text{The set $F$ is called the }\textit{set of accepting states.}$
Constrcution of Complete Büchi Automaton
$\textbf{Theorem 2.1. } \textit{For every Büchi Automaton $\mathcal{A}$, there is a complete Büchi Automaton $\mathcal{A}’$} \newline \textit{such that $\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{A}) = \mathcal{L}(\mathcal{A}’)$}$
$\textbf{Example 2.2.}$
Let $\mathcal{A}$ be the automaton from Example 2.1 with Büchi acceptance condition $\small\text{BÜCHI}\normalsize (\lbrace D\rbrace)$. The language of the automaton consists of a single word:
$$\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{A})=\lbrace aabbaabbaabb\dots\rbrace$$
For a Büchi Automaton $\mathcal{A} = (\Sigma,Q,I,T,\small\text{BÜCHI} \normalsize (F))$,
we define the complete Büchi Automaton $\mathcal{A’} = (\Sigma,Q’,I’,T’,\small\text{BÜCHI} \normalsize (F’))$ using:
- $Q’$ = $Q \cup \lbrace q_f\rbrace$ where $q_f$ is a fresh state
- $I’$ = $I$
- $T’$ = $T \cup \lbrace (q,\sigma,q_f) \mid \nexists q’ . (q,\sigma,q’)\in T\rbrace\cup\lbrace (q_f,\sigma,q_f)\mid\sigma\in\Sigma\rbrace$
- $F’$ = $F$
First, we add a fresh state $q_f$ the set of state $Q$ without changing the initial and accepting states.
A complete Büchi Automaton requires every states must have transitions for every letters in the alphabet.
So for each states orginally in $Q$, we construct new transitions that the letters are not yet used by the state.
(which is $\nexists q’ . (q,\sigma,q’)\in T$)
Finally, for all transitions from the fresh state are self transitioning, and they include all letters.
(which is $(q_f,\sigma,q_f)\mid\sigma\in\Sigma$)
Formal Proof
The runs of $\mathcal{A’}$ are a superset of those of $\mathcal{A}$.
- During the construction of $\mathcal{A’}$, we have not removed any original transitions, but adding new fresh states.
Furthermore, on any infinite input word, the accepting runs of $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{A’}$ are the same.
- If $\mathcal{A}$ accepts, $\mathcal{A’}$ also accepts because $\mathcal{A’}$ is a superset.
- If a run reaches new fresh states $q_f$ stays in $q_f$ forever, and
- since $q_f\notin F’$, such a run is not accepting.
A complete deterministic automaton may be viewed as a total function from $\Sigma^\omega$ to $Q^\omega$.
A complete (possibly nondeterministic) automaton produces at least one run for every input word.
Next chapter: Kleene’s Theorem
Further Reading: Büchi automaton, Omega language
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