Cantonese Ch.1-2 -- Rimes with a & aa (Phonology)

  1. Recap of Rimes
  2. Difference of a and aa
    1. Rimes with a
    2. Rimes with aa
  3. Learn a new word before you move on

Golden Rule of becoming a native Cantonese speaker: Tones > Everything!

In this blog, we use Jyutping to indicate the pronunciation of Cantonese characters.

Previous lesson: Introduction

Recap of Rimes

Rimes is a syllable of vowels with consonants that you can rhyme!

For example, in English, the Rime of “Cow” is “ow”; in Cantonese, cow is (ngau4), and the Rime is “au”.

Difference of a and aa

Two vowels in Cantonese start with a. a sounds like “uh” in English, and aa “ahhh” in English.

And all their combinations as well. For example, (fan1) sounds like “fun”, and (faan6) sounds like “fran” in France without “r” sound.

Still, it may be difficult to distinguish their difference when they form rimes with other sounds.

A trick to pronounce any combinations of the aa sound is to try to add the “ahhh” sound before a.
For example, ap sounds like “up” in English, and aap sounds like “ahh-up” in one syllable.

Let’s see all the rimes combinations with a and aa!

Rimes with a

Jyutping Sounds in English Cantonese Example Jyutping Sounds in English Cantonese Example
a uh in bruh (laa3) ang ung in sung (zang1)
ai i in night (zai1) ap up in cup (zap1)
au ull in dull (zau1) at utt in butt (zat1)
am um in sum (zam1) ak uck in duck (zak1)
an un in fun (zan1)

Rimes with aa

Jyutping Sounds in English Cantonese Example Jyutping Sounds in English Cantonese Example
aa a in far (zaa1) aang an in France but ends with ng not n (zang1)
aai i in high (zaai1) aap alm in calm with p instead (zaap6)
aau ow in wow (zaau1) aat alm in calm with t instead (zaat3)
aam alm in calm (zaam6) aak alm in calm with k instead (zaak3)
aan an in France (zaan3)

Learn a new word before you move on

In Cantonese, 早抖(zou2 tau2) will be another most common thrase you may hear, which means good night.

Its literally meaning is sleep early, it is a good wish because nowadays people sleep quite late right?

So again… 下次見(haa6 ci3 gin3)!

Next lesson: Rimes with e

Further reading: Jyutping, The linguistic Society of Hong Kong

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