🍽 🥨 MensaarLecker -- A beloved tool to find out Mensa Ladies' favourite menu using Selenium🥨 🍽

  1. 🥗 Description
  2. 🌐 Live Demo
  3. 📅 Features
  4. 🧠 Meal Frequency Display Example
  5. 📁 Project Structure
  6. 📝 Development Log

Repository: MensaarLecker

As an UdS Student,
Are you tired of seeing french fries🍟 3 times a week, or wondering when I can have the best pizza 🍕 in the Mensacafe?
MensaarLecker aims to collect all the data from Menu 1, 2, and Mensacafe to trace your favourite, or Mensa Ladies’, favourite menu!

🥗 Description

A fully automated scraper and static website for the Saarbrücken Mensa, powered by Python, Selenium, Google Sheets, and GitHub Actions.

Get a clean and daily-updated overview of meals from mensaar.de, with searchable history, meal components, and frequency stats.

🌐 Live Demo

👉 View Website
👉 View Data in Google Sheets

📅 Features

  • ✅ Scrapes the Saarbrücken Mensa daily menu
  • ✅ Publishes structured data to a connected Google Sheet
  • ✅ Generates static HTML pages:
    • index.html – Today’s menu with meal frequency counts
    • menu.html – Full searchable menu with DataTables
  • ✅ Automatically updates via GitHub Actions at 10:00 AM UTC on weekdays
  • ✅ Beautiful card-style layout & component display
  • ✅ No server required — 100% static

🧠 Meal Frequency Display Example

The homepage shows how often each meal has been served based on historical data since 2025.03.20:

🍽️ Pasta mit Tomatensoße
📊 Seen since 2025.03.20
✅ Geriebener Käse
✅ Rucola

📁 Project Structure

├── Mensaar_scraper.py         # Scrapes from mensaar.de and writes to Google Sheet
├── generate_menu.py           # Reads the sheet and generates index.html and menu.html
├── credentials.json           # Google service account key (excluded from repo)
├── index.html                 # Main website page with today's menu
├── menu.html                  # Full searchable table of meals
├── .github/workflows/
│   └── update_menu.yml        # GitHub Actions automation
├── src/
│   └── uds_spirit.jpg         # Soul of this project
└── README.md

📝 Development Log

MensaarLecker Development Log 1 – Web Crawling
MensaarLecker Development Log 2 – Web Developing and GitHub Workflow

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